Prata e ouro em White (1949)

He restored the temples from the pools of the Delta marshes to Nubia. He shaped all their images in number more than before, increasing the beauty in that which he made … He raised up their temples; he fashioned a hundred images with all their bodies correct and with all splendid costly stones. He sought the precincts of the gods which were in the districts in this land; he furnished them as they had been since the time of [251] the first beginning. He established for them daily offerings every day. All the vessels of their temples were wrought of silver and gold. He equipped them with priests and with ritual priests and with the choicest of the army. He transferred to them lands and cattle, supplied with all equipment. [Nota de rodapé 26: Breasted, 1909, p. 401.] (White 1949:250-1)

WHITE, Leslie. 1949. The science of culture: a study of man and civilization. New York: Grove Press.