Hidrogênio e carbono em White (1949)

To be sure, the symbolic faculty was brought into existence by the natural processes of organic evolution. And we may reasonably believe that the focal point, if not the locus, of this facility is in the brain, especially the forebrain. Man’s brain is much larger than that of an ape, both absolutely and relatively. The brain of the average adult human male is about 1500 c.c. in size; brains of gorillas seldom exceed 500 c.c. Relatively, the human brain weighs about 1/50th of the entire body weight, while that of a gorilla [33] varies from 1/150th to 1/200th part of that weight. [Nota de rodapé 10: Hooton, 1931, p. 153.] And the forebrain especially is large in man as compared with ape. Now in many situations we know that quantitative changes give rise to qualitative differences. Water is transformed into steam by additional quantities of heat. Additional power and speed lift the taxiing airplane from the ground and transform terrestrial locomotion into flight. The difference between wood alcohol and grain alcohol is a qualitative expression of a quantitative difference in the proportions of carbon and hydrogen. Thus a marked growth in size of the brain in man may have brought forth a new kind of function. (White 1949:32-3)

WHITE, Leslie. 1949. The science of culture: a study of man and civilization. New York: Grove Press.