Hidrogênio e carbono em Buckminster-Fuller (1997 [1975])

326.12 In the regenerative integrity of the cosmic design the locally supportive, human mind’s understanding operative on planet Earth has to be midwife at the birth and experiential development of critical information inventorying; it must also sustain the total – Garden of Eden – ecological regenerativity as naturally accomplished by intense high-frequency information transmitted by the electromagnetics of chemical elements of the star Sun and receivingly translated by the Earth’s land-borne vegetation and water-borne algae into photosynthetic sorting, reorganizing, and combining of the planet Earth’s inventory of carbon, hydrogen, and other chemical elements. Some of these energies are redistributed to the biosphere, and some reenter directly into the integral metabolic multiplication and proliferation by all biological organisms of the hydrocarbon molecules and their concomitant environmentally supportive, chemical exchanging events. To function successfully in gales and storms while exposing adequate leafage to the Sun, the dry Earthborne vegetation must send into the soil and rocks roots that draw water from the soil to cool themselves against [210] dehydration by the heat of radiation exposure as well as to provide the vegetation with noncompressible, hydraulic structuring as well as with hydraulic distribution of the many eccentric, locally concentrated energy stressings of the vegetation’s structure. Because the vegetation is rooted, it cannot reach the other vegetation to procreate. To solve this regenerative problem Universe inventively designed a vast variety of mobile creatures – such as birds, butterflies, worms and ants – to intertraffic and cross-pollinate the vast variety of vegetation involved in the biochemical refertilization complexities of ecology, as for instance does the honeybee buzz-enter the flowers to reach its honey while inadvertently crossfertilizing the plants. Each biological specimen is structurally designed by the programmed codings of DNA-RNA and is chromosomically programmed to go directly to immediately rewarding targets while inadvertently, or unknowingly, producing (what are to it) “side effects” that inadvertently sustain the main objective of Universe, which is the sustenance of the synergetic circuitry of terrestrial ecology and thereby as well to sustain the cosmic regeneration. (Buckminster-Fuller 1997 [1975]:209-10)

415.21 The first closest-packed, omnitriangulated, ergo structurally stabilized, but non-nuclear, equiradius-sphered, cubical agglomeration has 14 spheres. This may be Carbon 14, which is the initially closest-packed, omnisymmetrical, polyhedral fourteenness, providing further closest-packability surface nests suitable for structurally mounting hydrogen atoms to produce all organic matter. (Buckminster-Fuller 1997 [1975]:259)

415.22 The cube is the prime minimum omnisymmetrical allspace filler. But the cube is nonstructural until its six square faces are triangularly diagonaled. When thus triangularly diagonaled, it consists of one tetrahedron with four one-eighth octahedra, of three isosceles and one equilateral-faced tetrahedron, outwardly applied to the nuclear equilateral tetrahedron’s four triangular faces. Thus structurally constituted, the superficially faced cube is prone to closest-packing self-associability. In order to serve as the carbon ring (with its six-sidedness), the cube of 14 spheres (with its six faces) could be joined with six other cubes by single atoms nestable in its six square face centers, which singleness of sphericity linkage potential is providable by Hydrogen 1. (Buckminster-Fuller 1997 [1975]:259)

BUCKMINSTER-FULLER, Richard. 1997 [1975]. Synergetics: exploration in the geometry of thinking. New York: Macmillan Publishing/Estate of R. Buckminster Fuller.