Hidrogênio, carbono, nitrogênio, oxigênio e enxofre em DeLanda (2010)

As part of his rejection of Hegelian dialectics, and of a broader rejection of negation as a fundamental concept, Gilles [32] Deleuze introduced new ideas with which to conceptualize the temporal synthesis of objective entities. In his work with Felix Guattari, for example, he gave us the concept of a process of double articulation through which geological, biological, and even social strata are formed. The first articulation concerns the materiality of a stratum: the selection of the raw materials out of which it will be synthesized (such as carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, oxygen, and sulfur for biological strata) as well as the process of giving populations of these selected materials some statistical ordering. The second articulation concerns the expressivity of a stratum. Although in the heavily linguisticized century in which these ideas were written the term “expression” was synonymous with “linguistic expression”, in the theory of double articulation the term refers in the first place to material expressivity, that is, to the color, sound, texture, movement, geometrical form, and other qualities that can make geological or meteorological entities so dramatically expressive. This second articulation is therefore the one that consolidates the ephemeral form created by the first and that produces the final material entity defined by a set of emergent properties that express its identity. (DeLanda 2010:31-2)

DELANDA, Manuel. 2010. Deleuze: History and Science. New York: Atropos Press.