Hidrogênio, carbono e oxigênio em Buckminster-Fuller (1997 [1975])

793.03 Seeds contain coded programs for associating local atoms in triplebonded crystal structures. Triple-bonded structures have high tensile capabilities, and when further interbonded they produce long, overlapping, fibrous sacs to be filled with local water and air derivatives. These closepacked, liquid-filled fibrous sacs compound first to produce the “wood” of the tree’s roots and trunk. What nature ships in the seeds are the DNA-RNA coded instructions on how to utilize the resources of the locally occurring water, gases, and chemical elements at the planting site. The high-tensile fiber sacs are filled with liquid sap developed from water brought in from the roots by osmosis. By one-way capillary valving the hydrogen and oxygen of the water combine with the carbon– and oxygen-laden gases of the atmosphere to produce the hydrocarbon crystal cells of the tree while at the same time giving off to the atmosphere oxygen atoms with which the growth of mammals will be respiratorially sustained. (Buckminster-Fuller 1997 [1975]:725)

BUCKMINSTER-FULLER, Richard. 1997 [1975]. Synergetics: exploration in the geometry of thinking. New York: Macmillan Publishing/Estate of R. Buckminster Fuller.