Ferro em Small (1905)

It may be worthwhile at this point to give further positive expression of our assumption that this sort of knowledge is worth getting. Many people deny the value of all generalized knowledge. They believe in the arts, but they do not believe in the sciences. If we were to argue the question of the value of sociology, the course of reasoning would be precisely parallel with that which is necessary in order to support the claims of any science, in contrast with hand-to-hand knowledge of some of the details with which the science deals. Is it good to know how to dress wounds? Then it is good to know anatomy and physiology. Is it good to know how to reduce crude ore to iron bars? Then it is good to know physics and chemistry, and their application in metallurgy. Is it good to know how to raise wheat, or make cloth, and find a market for it? Then it is good to know agricultural chemistry and political economy. Is it good to know how to draw a contract, or to transfer a title? Then it is good to know legal and political science. Is it good to know how to teach a boy or girl the three R’s? Then, it is good to know psychology and pedagogy. Is it good to try to live our own personal lives as wisely and well as possible? Then, by the same token, it is good to know sociology. (Small 1905:28)

5. Middle Status of Barbarism. From the end of the previous stage to the invention of the process of smelting iron ore. (Small 1905:215)

6. Upper Status of Barbarism. Beginning with the manufacture of iron, and ending with the invention of a phonetic alphabet, and the use of writing in literary composition. (Small 1905:215)

It further occurs that branches of industry which have reached extraordinary development pose in the political arena in opposition to all other branches together. Thus the cattle [267] interest in certain South American countries may practically control the government. In Great Britain the textile industries, or the iron industries, may virtually dictate terms to the rest of the nation. (Small 1905:266-7)

SMALL, Albion. 1905. General Sociology. Chicago: The University of Chicago Press.