Onde estão as massas ausentes? (Latour 1992)

LATOUR, Bruno. 1992. Where are the missing masses? The sociology of a few mundane artifacts. In: Wiebe E. Bijker; John Law (eds.). Shaping technology/building society: studies in sociotechnical change. Cambridge: The MIT Press, pp.225-58. O SILÊNCIO e a GLÓRIA das MÁQUINAS (Samuel Butler) (Latour 1992:225) PROGRAMA DE AÇÃO (script) A program of action is the set of written instructions that […]

Tarde’s idea of quantification (Latour 2015 [2010])

LATOUR, Bruno. 2010. Tarde’s idea of quantification. In Matei Candea (Ed.). The social after Gabriel Tarde: debates and assessments. London: Routledge, pp.145-62. “CIÊNCIA” SIM, “NATURAL” NÃO, SOCIAL What is so refreshing in Tarde (more than a century later!) is that he never doubted for a minute that it was possible to have a scientific sociology – or rather, an “ […]

A questão latouriana (Latour 2011)

LATOUR, Bruno. 2011. Avoir ou ne pas avoir de réseau: that’s the question. In: Madeleine Akrich; Yannick Barhe; Fabian Muniesa; Philippe Mustar (orgs.). Débordements: mélanges offerts à Michel Callon. Paris: Presses de Mines, pp.257-67. DIDEROT Depuis le début, c’est bien dans le Rêve de d’Alembert de Diderot que nous avions placé l’origine de ce terme de rets ou de réseau, […]